Conversation Between unto0chable87 and jim23cash

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Unto0chable87 - u can add me. I think I wrote on ur DS Wall. And my name is Pinsel.
    I won't delete u! Take care!! Lots of regards.
  2. Hi! I'm Annie. You can send an invite to me in Dragon Story, and I'll accept. What is your Island name? That's what will show up, and I delete them if it's not someone I know (thru forums).
    Just so you know, I don't visit every day. I try to as often as possible, but I am chronically ill. I get sick frequently. I still try to visit as often as I can.
    I won't be upset if you decide to delete me as a neighbor, if you want a daily visitor. Otherwise, I'm a good neighbor. Thanks for the message. Let me know if you have any questions!
    (; Annie
  3. I would like to add you! My name is Pinsel.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3