Conversation Between queentina3 and nmishii

67 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks! I feel like an idiot. I would've responded to your PM, but you're full again.
  2. Do you play Fashion? I downloaded the halloween version to get the 6 gems on RS/BS. I'm on Level 7 and need to get to Level 22 to get 3 more gems, and I'm not sure if I'll do that. I have a goal that ends in 18 hours and I need to get 3 parts from neighbors. I added both your accounts. If you're not playing, no problem. I don't plan on playing FS when there's no gems. I know I said that for DS and am still playing, but I tried FS a while ago and really didn't care for it. No need to download it just to send me the parts.
  3. PMs are cleared. I had PMs in there since Aug, which shows how often I'm on the forum now. I remember having to clear them nearly everyday.
  4. Tried to respond to your last PM but you're full.
  5. LMAO @ Android comment. I actually got there quick in RS/BS most likely because of the amount of appliances I have. I have 28 in both, so that helps. In RS I even went further than that and have 6 ovens that are Sonic and 6 Stoves that are Sonic, so I can usually do the higher profit/xp ones on those without losing food too fast. I have no worries about that in BS, since I still have well over 2 mil plates of food there, and it's constantly rising since I keep cooking.

    Farm I just recently started the tool sheds when I reached level 64 or 65, as I knew I was getting close to my goal of 70 and wanted to get there NOW. Once I reach it I'll stop with the tool sheds, as the only thing still closed to me then is 2 crops, and one opens at 72 and the other at 75. I can wait for those, since I still have almost all the Flowers to do that I haven't even touched yet.
  6. Congratulations!!! I didn't notice the L96 but I recently noticed you were 95 and thought, "wow, she got there fast"

    It took me 9 mo to get to Level 96 in RS and BS, and 11 to get to Level 96 in Farm. But then, it was all on Android.
  7. Did you see I finally made lvl 96 in BS & RS?!!! I was telling GG how excited I was to finally make it there, when I remembered that TL lifted the 96 level cap, then I got depressed. hahaha I've almost reached my goal for Farm, lvl 69 and only 11k xp away from my lvl 70 goal so I can grab that vineyard. I still need 2 mil in coin though, UGH. Maybe once I reach lvl 70 I'll just plant raspberries after I master the peanuts to get the coin. hahaha
  8. all clear, looking forward to the rest of your day
  9. I can't send you part 2 as you've exceeded your limit. I'll forward it later tonight after you've cleared your PMs.
  10. No, I did not get a request from you as of 6:12 pm PDT. If I get one I'll let you know.
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