Conversation Between smartchoice and Rachael98

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ahh...
    But no, you cannot specify gender on the forums except by posting on the relavent gender threads.
  2. What, your forum profile?
    And RP is Received Pronunciation. It's the accent you hear on BBC News.
  3. I'm near manchester...and I meant how do u set the gender on your profile? I gonna sound like a total thicko but whats RB?
  4. I'm male.
    I'm Wiltshire way (though despite living here my whole life, I speak RP). You?
  5. Where about? And is possible to specify the gender?
  6. Love the picture. It's amazing.
    I'm also in England.
  7. what do ya think of my new profile pic?
  8. Where are u? As in which country - i'm in england
  9. I got about 10 hours jetlagged by staying on so late last night.
  10. Hiiii!! Watcha doin?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
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