Conversation Between pinkster73 and greygull

72 Visitor Messages

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  1. I got woken up by a member texting me asking for help with it. I'm not mad at said member (I talk with them a lot - hence why I got a text), but these people just irk me bad.
  2. No problem. It's irritating when people do that.
  3. Thank you - I really do appreciate it
  4. Oh ok good. Whew.
  5. It didn't show your email address - it just take you to a page that can make a chart. But I would freak if I thought I posted my email address too lol.
  6. No no. I hope not. That link had my email address in there somewhere. I was like GACK
  7. No problem. Should we be taking screenshots and posting them in one of the Epic Fail websites? lol
  8. Thanks. It was an epic fail. Got it now.
  9. Done
  10. Can you please delete posts 20 and 21 of this?
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 72
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