Conversation Between iusedtobedigusr and pinkster73

21 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh "ladies rooms" are nasty. I'm public bathroom-a-phobic
  2. And my boots cost $$ like girly shoes lol.
  3. I am male and work thru "ladies" rooms alot during jobs, I have had to leave like 1000 pair of boots behind on what I had to walk thru in most of them. OMG
  4. I stepped in puke outside a movie theater and left my favorite shoes right there. Went home barefoot.
  5. Awww. I love my sneakers, and was a valid question.........Besides my sneakers get buried with me,,,I never gave them up thru a Divorce or losing my best girl...they comfortable.
  6. No. I would abandon the shoes ha ha
  7. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, wanna clean it off? PLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
  8. You may have stepped in it
  9. Ok, I'm gone now, but games boring lol.
  10. PM me when you can.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 21
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