View Full Version : About Combat...

01-10-13, 01:01 PM
Is there any point in the three different "attack" buttons? They all have the same animation, and they all do the same amount of random damage (1, sometimes 2 damage).

I think combat is a great concept, but really needs to be improved upon.

01-10-13, 02:29 PM
I agree.

01-10-13, 03:34 PM
I just close my eyes and poke those buttons!

01-10-13, 03:35 PM
I think it as a one in three chance to land critical blow, which results in two health decrement on the beast. The better you are in guessing which attack cause the critical blow, the less total energies are required to defeat the beast. I usually stick with one attack until I get critical blow, and then change to another attack. It usually resulted in two or even three consecutive critical blow.

01-10-13, 03:39 PM
Thanks for the feedback. What kind of improvements or changes would you be interested in seeing for this feature?

01-10-13, 04:20 PM
Thanks for the feedback. What kind of improvements or changes would you be interested in seeing for this feature?

Well, i'd like to see different swords. We have wooden sword for skunk , cleaver for fang and enchanted sword for troll.
Maybe different movement or animation for each attack option.

01-10-13, 04:21 PM
But most important - Update please pika :-(

01-10-13, 05:32 PM
Well, i'd like to see different swords. We have wooden sword for skunk , cleaver for fang and enchanted sword for troll.
Maybe different movement or animation for each attack option.

I like these ideas. I've got a few other ideas too though.

1. Creature specific combos
2. Rare Weapons-Rare drops from Adventures or just have plans drop from Adventures with rare crafting materials required to craft in the forge.
3. Special Effects on Rare Weapons-For Example: 5% chance of ****ing blow or 1% chance of looting a gem from a monster.

01-10-13, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the feedback. What kind of improvements or changes would you be interested in seeing for this feature?

Well, if all three buttons are gonna do the same attack/same damage, just reduce them down to a single button. But even better would be to make different attack animations. Say, a horizontal slash, vertical slash, and a thrust.

It would be nice to be able to equip which weapon you want to use, as well as see the actual weapon on your character, rather then the same sword for wooden sword, cleaver, enchanted blade, and Excalibum.

Also maybe have different weapons do a specific amount of damage to specific monsters. For instance, the Excalibam would do 2 damage to Trolls, with a possible critical damage of 3. The cleaver being better used on the skunk, and the enchanted blade on the fang wolf. But make the wooden sword only ever deal 1 point of damage, since it's weak (more of a fun novelty weapon).

A great improvement to combat would be to add HP to your player. When you fight a monster, it appears to be attacking in return, but no harm comes to the player. It would be more fun and rewarding to defeat a monster if there were some danger to it. So when a monsters attacks you, it can do 1, sometimes 2, and rarely even 3 damage. If you happen to get KOed, perhaps the penalty could be lose of energy, or the need to rest in a recovery house (new hospital building) for a specific amount of time.

01-10-13, 09:58 PM
To be honest, I don't like above suggestion. Seriously? Next thing you know we gonna suggest rocket jump here and quad damage mode to defeat the cat size skunkupine.

01-11-13, 02:36 AM
I like the idea of actually seen a different weapon, according to the monster we are defeating. Also, if we press a different button, change the animation. But I wouldn't want something super fighty, this is not what Castle Story is about for me :)

01-11-13, 03:19 AM
I agree with the other poster in saying that I don't really like some of the above ideas as they sound like they were just taken from whatever fighting game, tbh if I see a skunkupine or a tiger thang I just want it gone asap, I don't want to do combos or fancy little things - If I wanted fancy fighting options I'd play whatever arcade game. Right now it does seem confusing as all 3 attack options seem to do the same thing, maybe having some visual feedback like a "critical" pop up to show that there is a variance? Or allow us a greater control of trying to get criticals as oppose to it being random.
At the end of the day if it's between allocating time resource to more content, or making little fancy attack animations, more content wins hands down for me. Unless you are thinking of expanding the attack usage and weaving it into the story and the world, simple game play is fine now for meeee.

01-11-13, 03:30 AM
At the end of the day if it's between allocating time resource to more content, or making little fancy attack animations, more content wins hands down for me. Unless you are thinking of expanding the attack usage and weaving it into the story and the world, simple game play is fine now for meeee.

100% agreed!

01-11-13, 06:27 AM
To be honest, I don't like above suggestion. Seriously? Next thing you know we gonna suggest rocket jump here and quad damage mode to defeat the cat size skunkupine.

Hahaha. I personally don't see the point of adding new weapons either. Either way you're still only going to manage to knock done 1 or 2 points off whatever you're fighting. I don't want any new monsters as a challenge either. They're my least favorite part of the game, and not because I hate having the obstacles, it's just they come with a ridiculously annoying frequency.

01-12-13, 04:34 AM
I want to sneak up behind a fangbeast, jump on its back, and race it around my kingdom til it relinquishes loads of gems.

01-13-13, 09:06 AM
To be honest, I don't like above suggestion. Seriously? Next thing you know we gonna suggest rocket jump here and quad damage mode to defeat the cat size skunkupine.

I'm sensing that you're a Quake III player..